If you happen to be in Salzburg, Austria, you must check out the Sacher Hotel, especially the coffee shop. The Salzburger Nockerln resemble the three snow covered mountains around Salzburg ( Mönchsberg, Kapuzinerberg and Gaisberg).
A project for the weekends!
For more details on the construction, please contact me 🙂
Really new thinking? And new possibilties?

From the taste buds to eye catching arrangements, our senses get stimulated. Sushi is a true art and takes a lot of passion and culinary craftsmanship.

The art of playing a meaningful role in our live and telling the truth to the customers out there.

Signs in the Wavehouse restaurant Dubai

“Natur pur” (Engl. Pure Nature) is the event in autumn. 16 wine local wine producers showcase their products.
Along a culinary path up the vinyard, vistors will discover culinary highlights. It is fun to hike up the little hills. Recommendation: Use public transportation for your way home. The organizers managed to increase the frequency of trains between Wiesbaden and Hattenheim for this day.
The tour starts at 11:00 o´clock. The end is around 18:00 o´clock.
Organized by:
Hattenheimer Winzer
c/o Ortsverein Hattenheim im Rheingauer Weinbauverband
Waldbachstr. 103
65347 Hattenheim
http://www.rheingau.de/veranstaltungen/feste/naturpur-hattenheim (German)