Archives for Art

Great Pasta Dinner in Gallery OPEN

One of the highlights in January 2013 was the famous pasta & vino dinner in the gallery OPEN in Frankfurt. A unique setting of artwork from Katja Holtz and home made spaghetti. The atmosphere with the amazing paintings have the potential for an own gastronomic concept.

Katja Holtz urban playground

Pasta Dinner at OPENdeath or glory

skater boy


The Narrators’ Line

Anise Gallery brings together the work of Alex Schramm and Kyle Henderson, two artists inspired by their architectural training to produce exquisite linework relating to theories of biology, industrialisation and ethnography.

Kyle’s improvised compositions meander across the canvas on a creative journey whilst Alex’s biomimetic forms translate otherworldly visions into rigid working drawings, both maintain the precise attention to illustrative detail one would expect from the hand of an architectural illustrator.

Despite working with abstracted realities, they still operate in an architectural manner; developing briefs, resolving details and reworking the creative idea until it is a cohesive project, from the smallest canvas to the large installations the process is the same.

In The Narrators’ Line both these artists reinterpret scale so that it exists as an ambiguous vehicle to transport the viewer between the molecular and the metropolitan. Architecture without scale puts you in the shoes of Alice in a wonderland of architectural imagination.

28 July – 26 August